Monday, January 2, 2012

Newness of Life

I'm not sure I've ever been as excited about the start of a New Year as I am this year. The last year has been a difficult one, but also an incredibly victorious one. We have struggled to find jobs at times, had to find a new place to live, dealt with the usual newlywed marital issues, to say nothing of the immense difficulties, both personal and financial, caused by chronic health problems. Yet through it all we have always, by God's grace, managed to find everything that we need. We are getting by financially, preparing for a new career (Paul applying to grad school and me getting ready to apply for a teaching position at an online school), continuing to grow in our marriage, and starting a new treatment for my Lyme disease. I have such a strong sense of how very much we have to look forward to in 2012!

So far the new year is starting off right. Yesterday, we officially submitted Paul's first MBA application to the Yale School of Management! There are still several more schools to finish in a short amount of time but it feels great to know that one is completely finished! This morning, I started the last stage of new meds/supplements, including the doxycylene (antibiotic). Now, the real healing begins! I am going to attempt to start posting more often, primarily for the sake of being able to track my symptoms and progress more carefully. Pester me if I'm not succeeding in this goal. ;-)

I am hoping I will soon fall into a good rhythm with all these new pills. As of today, I have to wake up at 7 to take one pill, go back to sleep until 8, wake up and take 3 more pills and some liquid garlic drops, and then wait until 9 before I am allowed to eat anything. Then, with breakfast, I have 11 more pills to take, then 3 with lunch, 3 more in the mid-afternoon (at least 2 hours after lunch but 4 hours before dinner), 4 with dinner, and then some powder that tastes like orange sand every night before bed and some goop that looks like mustard twice a week before bed. Ack!

I felt surprisingly good when I woke up this morning, but I appear to be getting increasingly more lethargic the more time that passes. This is backwards from how a normal day used to go! I wonder if it's the anitbiotics. I am supposed to go out and make cake pops with some friends in a bit. Come on body, you can do it!

In the meantime... naptime. ;-)
(Romans 6:4)


Donna said...

And the smell of the mustardy goop-- You are one brave girl! :) you're doing great, I'm so proud of you. Mom

Taryn said...

Yeah! I am so excited for this new year- I hope it brins healing and new opportunities with work and school.

Shelley said...

You might want to be careful with taking pills and then going back to sleep. If it's the doxy, you might want to sit up for half an hour before you lie back down (If you're not already doing this). My doctor didn't tell me that and I got esophageal ulcers from the medicine!

Alicia said...

Wow good to know! The pill I take first in the morning is a thyroid pill and the doctor that prescribed it actually recommended taking it in the early morning and then going back to sleep. I'm still trying to figure out what to do with the doxy. I was told I'm supposed to be standing for 30 min after taking it, but I'm finding my body just doesn't have the strength to stand that long first thing in the morning and I often have fallen asleep again after taking it. I will have to try just sitting for a while and see if I can manage.

Shelley said...

Well, definitely got to do what the doctor says. =) He/she knows best! I found that even propping myself real well in bed to a sitting position helped when taking the doxy. Those esophageal ulcers got so bad that I literally couldn't eat or drink anything. I pray that you don't have that problem! I hope you're doing well and I'm praying for you.